Underpass and overpass Lighting 09 Light bar LaneLED LaneLED INOX42

New pedestrian bridge equipped with LaneLED INOX42

2-in-1: The handrail with integrated LED lighting

Road tunnel Lighting 09A LED guidance systems MarkLED 4

MarkLED 4 in the tunnel of the Biel-Bözingerfeld bypass

Road safety guaranteed by MarkLED 4

Station Lighting 09 Light bar LaneLED LaneLED INOX42

LaneLED INOX42 at Château d‘Hauteville station

A perfect combination of fall protection and illumination

Station Lighting 09 Light bar LaneLED LaneLED WALL

Platform lighting with LaneLED WALL

Dimmable, shadow-free illumination with a central monitoring point

Public square Lighting 09 Light bar LaneLED LaneLED WALL 09A LED guidance systems TrafficLED

New light accents at Flawil station square

Clear traffic routing thanks to LED luminaires placed in the road surface and indirect illumination of the seating

Building trade Lighting 09 LED Spotlights DeltaLUXX

DeltaLUXX in the test gallery

Fluorescent lamps replaced by LED spotlights

Station Lighting 09 LED Spotlights DeltaLUXX 09 Light bar LaneLED LaneLED INOX42 LaneLED WALL

Le Châble underground railway station equipped with GIFAS lighting

Optimum illumination with DeltaLUXX, LaneLED WALL and LaneLED INOX42

Road tunnel Lighting 09A LED guidance systems MarkLED EXIT

MarkED EXIT – the combined LED light in the road tunnel

Optical guidance system and escape route lighting (evacuation lighting) in the A6 Allmend tunnel

Metal industry Lighting 09 LED Spotlights DeltaLUXX

DeltaLUXX as hall lighting

Convincing through good quality and service

Railroad tunnel Lighting 09 Light bar LaneLED LaneLED GFK

LaneLED GFK in the Ruckhalde tunnel of the Appenzell Railway

System-tested emergency lighting for self-rescue measures – optimally prepared for an emergency

Road tunnel Lighting 09A LED guidance systems MarkLED 4

The latest generation of the MarkLED 4 – Schaffhausen road tunnel

Optical guidance system in the Fäsenstaub and Cholfirst tunnels and Galerie Schönenberg

Own home Lighting 09 Outdoor and industry light BetaLUXX

BetaLUXX for technical room lighting

Perfect illumination of the technical area in the cellar of the detached house
