
Fire brigade distribution vehicle


Development of customised power distribution trolleys for the Murten/Bulle fire brigade
to enable a faster response in emergency situations.

The fire stations in Freiburg, Bulle and Murten wished to have adapted and fully equipped modules combined on board a single vehicle. Further to the purchase of three trucks for the fighting of oil and chemical fires, vehicles were designed that met the stipulated requirements. On emergency call-outs, equipment reliability and the ability to deploy rapidly are decisive criteria. Due to the different project-specific requirements, such a project could not simply have been implemented by using standard items. Thanks to close collaboration with Vogt AG, custom-built vehicles were manufactured for the desired deployment profiles.

Project details

Customer/installation engineer: Fire stations in Freiburg, Bulle and Murten
Stipulation: Distribution vehicles designed for efficiency in practical applications
Solution: Energy distribution combination specifically for Initial Response services
Article: eon request
Equipment: Various ex- and non-ex materials
Areas of application: Truck for fighting oil and chemical fires

Customer benefits

  • rapid deployment for accidents and fires
  • mobile and compact for efficient clear-ups
  • module for applications in the ex-zone
  • module with mobile cable rollers and towing cable roller equipped for earthing
  • module with generator

Matching products


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High-quality innovations with a sustainable claim



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We offer Swiss quality and precision. ISO-certified processes ensure compliance with procedures, regulations and standards.


Premium quality

Our products are durable, powerful and reliable. They make work processes easier and help to increase safety.


Safety guarantee

Various ISO-certified processes ensure that GIFAS products and services meet the highest standards.