Public square Lighting CircLED 09 Accent light LED

Village fountain in Thalheim illuminated by CircLED and VisuLED HOME

Old village fountain put in a new light

Event location Lighting 09 LED Spotlights Wide area lighting system HPL

Tennis court lighting with the HPL 900W

Bright illumination allows late practice sessions

Railroad tunnel Lighting 09 Outdoor and industry light StreamLED 2

Illumination of the cavern in the Lötschberg base tunnel with the StreamLED 2

Light as bright as day to make the work easier

Bicycle and footpath Lighting 09 Light bar LaneLED LaneLED WALL

Pedestrian path in Castel San Pietro illuminated with LaneLED WALL

Dangerous section of road recently illuminated with LaneLED WALL

Industry solutions Lighting 09 Outdoor and industry light BetaLUXX 09 LED Spotlights AlphaLUXX DeltaLUXX

Hall and workplace illumination with GIFAS luminaires

Well-lit work areas

Building trade Lighting 09 LED Spotlights DeltaLUXX

Crane lighting with the DeltaLUXX for a well-lit operations centre

More safety for employees

Cultural institution Lighting 09 LED Spotlights DeltaLUXX

Swimming pool in the Mooshüsli public baths illuminated with DeltaLUXX

Increase in safety for bathers

Public square Lighting 09 LED Spotlights DeltaLUXX

Gamprin church (FL) shines in the light of the DeltaLUXX

Church illuminated in white light

Bicycle and footpath Lighting 09 Light bar LaneLED LaneLED WALL

Pedestrian bridge in Chur illuminated with LaneLED WALL

The LED light bar for sophisticated design and thorough illumination

Building trade Lighting 09 LED Spotlights AlphaLUXX

Cleaning station superbly illuminated thanks to AlphaLUXX

LED lighting for use under the toughest conditions

Own home Lighting 09 Accent light LED

Elegant garden lighting thanks to VisuLED HOME

Very stylish illumination of gardens and parks

Bicycle and footpath Lighting 09A LED guidance systems TrafficLED

Lane illumination with TrafficLED

Regulated cycle traffic thanks to lane marking
